Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Famine discussion

-some countries are much more wealthier than others so in turn can produce their own food more efficiently and/or but it from another country.

-communist government

-I do not believe that because there is no evident to support it

-we should share more with less fortunate countries

-we need to be award and if we're aware we would be more aware

-all of my group members complained about rationing and equallity because America is the needy

-we need to be more resourceful because if we're more resourceful we would be more resourceful dawg

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Unit 6 apes blog W

1. Igneous rock - formed when the tectonic plates are pushed together and compress the magma used to make it. 
Sedimentary rock- formed when the tectonic plates grind against each other 
Metamorphic rock- formed when the tectonic plates are beaten together 

2. Physical weathering can be rain wearing down and rock formation and chemical weathering can be when rocks oxide and can decide how a rock is. 

3. Sand, silt, and clay. The soil's permeability and water retention is decided by what makes up the soil because all three of those things have different water retention