Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Lorax

1. The Lorax is the protector of the trees and wild life.
2. Roosevelt and Pinchot understood the necessity of the forest and that it must be protected so that it won't be destroyed forever. Once-ler knew there was money in the forest, but instead of slowly harvesting it and replanting it as he went, he cut down the entire forest all at once.
3. The Lorax shared the views of Muir in that wildlife should be protected. These views are controversial today because most of the time the needs of humans out weigh the needs of wildlife. For example when an entire forest gets mowed down to construct much needed houses to accommodate the rise in population
4. The factories and cars produced huge amounts of smog and negatively affected the environment
5. The little animals would have to find another home and mostly push an other animal out of its environment would could cause a domino effect.  The air smog will also cause a global effect and water pollution.
6. If a town suddenly experiences a huge population explosion, and then number of numbers exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment, food shortages are bound to happen which will result in civil up rest and riots.
7. Factories in a developed country and a developing country would be radically different. In developed  country, chances are all of the raw materials would have already been harvested so the country would have to get them from other countries, however if they did have raw materials in their country they will have the equipment necessary to extract the materials. The developing countries will mostly have raw materials in their country but lack the equipment to extract them. Waste disposal will be a lot cleaner in developed countries versus developing counties. And worker rights would be a lot better in developed counties versus developing.
8. Unless is a word of hope
9. If the Lorax had a defined sense do his property than the whole thneed problem would have never happened

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