Monday, September 22, 2014

Big 4

Big 4

Human impact-
Humans have relied heavily on the ocean through out our entire existence. For food, waste dump, or recreation; humans have always been heavily involved with the ocean. Even though the ocean has been positively helping humans, humans aren't helping the ocean.  Over fishing and pollution of the oceans are major concerns today, and if we don't change the way we live, these concerns could have great negative impacts on the planet. We must change the way we live if we want to preserve the oceans.

Environmental impact-
The environmental consequences are becoming increasing bad. Over fishing is draining ecosystems from key parts in their complex cycles, and pollution from factories or oil spills is causing bioaccumulation which affects almost every organism in an environment. Bioaccumulation is where levels of poisonous chemicals in organisms increase as they consume each other at each successive level in the food web.

Economic impact-
To prevent pollution, many businesses have made a serious effort to "go green" by using machinery that produces less pollution or recycling more materials. These two things might not sound like much, but they can greatly reduce pollution and waste in the long run. Even though going green sounds great, it can cost businesses and great amount of money, which discourages companies that have less money to join the movement. 

Government legislation-
The government had noticed the need to preserve the planet, and have set many laws into laws to do this. Laws have even passed that limit the amount of fishing that can go on which can prevent over fishing. Also some animals are permanently protected by law such as sea turtles.  The land is also protected by laws the prohibit littering.

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