Friday, November 7, 2014


Extinction of  a species cam greatly impact the world has a whole. Every species in this world play an important part, and when that part suddenly goes missing the mechanics of an environment can become disrupted. Humans are creating great negative impacts on environments world wide, and in turn actually causing species to go extinct. Habitat destruction, over harvesting, and emerging diseases are all factors that greatly contribute to the extinction of species. Extinction can have a huge environmental impact. Every environment has a complex food web that consists of all the animals in an ecosystem. All the animals are connected to each other and affect each other. When one animal is taken out of that food web because of extinction, all the animals in that ecosystem must find a filler for the empty stop. The economy is a big reason why animals go extinct. Over hunting of an animal because they are valuable can cause many to decrease in population size because they get killed faster than they can repopulate. For example white rhino in Africa are being killed into extinction for their white horns. The governments around the the world are trying to put a stop to the extinction of animals through polices they pass that can put endangered animals into protection.

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